Leading A Christian Life!

Welcome to Leading A Christian Life. My name is Matt and I gave my life to Jesus Christ in February of 2018. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, but in all honesty the older I got, the more alienated and uncomfortable I felt with Catholicism. I have nothing against Catholic’s or any other religion and actually took a vacation from religion for 38 years until one day God showed up with a message…Go to the Bible and build a closer relationship with Me.

The Turning Point:

One day I was having a conversation with a friend and somehow we got on the subject of prayer. I have always prayed and had faith in God, but was not as “committed” to prayer and building my relationship with God as I should have been. So, my friend asked when I pray, who do I pray to. I said God of course, I cut out the middle man. After our conversation ended it hit me like a ton of bricks that what I had said “cut out the middle man” was really bothering me. I prayed to Jesus and apologized for saying that and asked Jesus to show me in ways that I can understand what this all means.

Receiving Answers:

Almost immediately I began receiving signs and messages. I had to park my car in a different spot that usual one night and was walking to the car to go somewhere. As I am backing out of my parking spot I turn my head to the right and there is a van parked next to me with huge letters on the side of it that said “Come Meet Jesus”. I couldn’t believe it, was Jesus answering my prayers?

Two days later I am working and a pick-up truck backs up right in front of me with a sticker that says “keep the “CHRIST” in Christmas”, again was this a so called coincidence?

Later that day I am working and all of a sudden I hear a song with the singer screaming “Jesus Christ” coming through the speakers in the ceiling.

Two days later I am eating dinner in a restaurant and I hear “Yes, Jesus Loves You” spoken three times coming through the speakers in the restaurant. In John 21:15–17 didn’t Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved Him? Was Jesus speaking to me in the same way as he did to Peter? I became very emotional and tears welled up in my eyes.

At that moment I realized how much Jesus Christ loved me and was making it VERY clear that he was VERY present in my life. It was at that moment that I gave my life to Jesus, welcomed him into my Heart and made him my Lord and Savior.

Faithfully yours in Christ ~ Matt

– About Matthew Lee:
Matthew Lee is a Charismatic Christian who has a deep and ever growing love for Jesus Christ and hunger for the Gospel. Matt is also a passionate entrepreneur who loves music, playing guitar, cooking and helping others prepare for the Kingdom of God.

About Leading A Christian Life

All that we do on Leading A Christian Life is to glorify Jesus Christ and the living word of God. We encourage people to spread the word of God in an encouraging and positive way. To help spread the word of God we have a growing video library of Christian Music, Church Services, Pastors, and Scripture.