Earth To God – How effective is your communication?

Are you communicating with God effectively? The answer on the face of the matter would be a resounding “YES”, right? But how dedicated are you to really communicating with God, how frequently, when, and where?

The dictionary describes the word ”communication” as “the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules.”

When I read the above definition it made me really re-think about what the word communication meant to me, how I am communicating with God and how God is communicating with me.

Yes, God communicates in signs, symbols, and semiotic rules, but are we recognizing them in our lives for what they are?

Are we calling them “coincidences”? Do we say that “happened by chance”? Are we under the impression that things are happening in life randomly?


Is God actually reaching down from His throne in heaven and really communicating with you?

We can’t avoid communication. We all need to communicate every day, we communicate to our family, friends, neighbors, kids, co-workers, pets, and YES, even people who we don’t see eye to eye with at times.

Communication is done many different ways and can be speaking, facial expressions, gestures, pointing, handwriting, drawing, touch or eye contact.

Communication can also be the use of other people or situations in our life that communicate things or teach to us as well.

Effective communication IS NOT something any of us are born with, rather it is something we learn how or how not to do over time.

Think about it, has something life changing ever happened to you that you cannot explain or seemed supernatural in nature?

Perhaps you faced a life and death situation and survived it, or maybe something happened in the nick of time to fulfill an important need that you had, maybe an idea popped into your head at exactly the right time. Whatever the situation, could events, situations, things or happenings like this be times when God is “communicating” with you?

According to “effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. It’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood.”

What is your style of communication with God?

  • Are you a “Sunday communicator” and only pray when at church?
  • Are you the “Mayday communicator” and only pray to the Lord when the stuff is hitting the fan in your life?
  • Are you the “I can’t get enough communicator” and pray throughout the day?
  • Are you clearly conveying your message to God when you pray to Him?
  • Are you setting aside time for being quiet every day and fully listening to God?
  • Are you letting God know that you hear and understand Him, as well as expressing gratitude to Him for ALL of the things he brings into our lives daily?

Great questions, and all very personal choices.

I know that they made me take a step back and pause to question myself if I am doing these things and also “how” effectively am I doing these things.

I was reading something about effective communication recently at  and a few things jumped out at me for becoming an engaged listener:

Focus fully on the speaker – Are you focusing on what God is doing in your life every day?

Avoid interrupting – Are we trying to align our lives and plans with our heavenly purpose?

Show your interest in what’s being said – Are you showing God you are truly interested in what He is doing in your life?

Try to set aside judgment – Are you actively practicing being non-judgmental with yourself, those who you know and those who you don’t know?

Provide feedback – Are you telling God daily that you are grateful for what he is doing in your life.

The above are some great tips that can make anyone pause and reflect.

God says in 1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”

How truly amazing is that, GOD hears us! How many people do you think don’t believe that God actually listens to them? GOD Hears Everyone, but are we communicating effectively?

After all we are created in God’s image and our Heavenly Father wants and desires a personal relationship with us. In John 3:16 it is written “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

God so loved the World, doesn’t that mean “the World”, doesn’t that mean people, YOU and I? It is also written that “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Isn’t the mention of “whoever” referring to people, again, meaning YOU and I?

But what about GOD, are we using any of these tips to communicate effectively with Him?

The word of God is the most powerful form of communication to have ever been penned, and when we read, speak and practice the word of God every day we are becoming more powerful through Gods word too!

Billy Graham: used to say that “Prayer is simply talking to God and the most important thing I can say about this is that God wants you to talk to Him.”

Next time you pray or something happens in your life, take a moment to pause and think how effective your communication with God is and how God may be communicating with you, each and every day in your life.

Thank you Jesus, for your sacrifice on the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus, you are Lord!

Our prayer for you is that each and every day and in all that you do, may God’s love fill your heart!

Faithfully yours in Christ ~ Matt

– About Matthew Lee:
Matthew Lee is a Charismatic Christian who has a deep and ever growing love for Jesus Christ and hunger for the Gospel. Matt is also a passionate entrepreneur who loves music, playing guitar, cooking and helping others prepare for the Kingdom of God.

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